Thursday, July 14, 2011


W and H played outside yesterday in the pool. They had a great time laughing at each other. One game especially fun was for W to fill the little red bucket with water then throw the water into the air or at Hunter. They would both loose it laughing at being splashed by water. The little red bucket also doubled as a camera and they took pictures of each other and the Mommy's.

Today we made a trip to Ikea! It was a success like always! I got the wooden train tracks for W to see if they really would fit with his growing Thomas the Train collection. Sure enough they fit perfectly!

Although, the boys had a great time together W was very disappointed that we did not go to Cookie Monsters house! He asked almost the whole way to Ikea if we could go to Cookie Monsters House. It is so sad to have to tell the almost two year old we can't go to Cookie Monsters house. I am sure I repeated that phase nearly twenty times. By the way, if anyone finds out where Cookie Monster lives please let me know. Thank you!

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