Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big brother

I think W will be a good big brother. He loves to help take care of these two dolls I had when I was little. He insists that they take naps in the bassinet. Here he is pretending to be asleep too. Hopefully, once baby boy number two arrives we will be able to keep W out of the bassinet.

I volunteered to make dinner for a new Mom today. I made pioneer woman meat balls, mashed potatoes, salad and cherry pie. I had so much food leftover that I convinced my friend Sarah and her two boys to join me for dinner. What a blessing they were this evening. It is always fun to watch them interact.

Z bought Wyatt his Paci and said, "here Wyatt" then promptly stuck the Paci in Wyatt's mouth. Later, I caught Wyatt with his arms around Zs head and attempting to pull him backward?!?! Not sure what was going on. But, it didn't phase Z. B and W played harmonics together and at one point B was riding on the bouncy horse and playing the harmonic! All he needed was a cowboy hat. Such fun boys!

1 comment:

Sarah Patrick said...

It was so fun to come over! The boys always love playing with Wyatt, thanks for a wonderful dinner and fellowship! =)