Monday, July 4, 2011

Hanging out

We had a relaxing 4th of July! I loved being invited to a little get together with friends here on base. We shared dinner together then watched while the little ones ran around and had fun! Prefect way to spend the evening.


6 tablespoons cocoa
100 mls oil
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cups flour

Mix it all together then bake at 350 degrees for 28 mins.

Now I need that potato salad recipe!

Later that evening we played in the pool and ended the day with a pop corn snack and Sesame Street. W had a great 4th. No fireworks for us. We were already in bed! :)


Chrissy said...

Hooray!! I am copying down this recipe immediately! And proly making them tomorrow. Haha, no.....I'll try to wait a little longer than that. Those were the best homemade brownies I've ever had. Seriously amazing. : )

I'm going to attempt to finally do a post this afternoon and I'll put the potato salad recipe up there.

Leigh Ann said...

Btw grease pan :) and thank you!!