Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sewing Sewing Sewing

In have recently been inspired to sew. My latest project was this room redo.

Most of my inspiration came from The Nester. She is amazing and if she can do it, then I was willing to try too. I think it came out OK. I made the comforter, bed skirt, pillow cases and curtain panel. I also confess to using Velcro. And would like to proclaim that I didn't have to use the hot glue gun once! (I was tempted!)I would like to make a few more pillows, but I am not sure which material to use. or maybe I should buy some different coordinating fabrics. All input is welcome!
Please let me know what you think.

Can she bake a Cherry pie charming Billy?

Okay, so I didn't bake cherry pie. And, my husbands name is not Billy. But, I found this adorable idea from a friend of mine.
Bake a pie in a jar. The idea that you can freeze the little jars and then have a sample of pie whenever the mood strikes.

They suggested to use 4 oz jars from Fred Meyer. Well, no Fred Meyer around here and I don't know the Roloffs well enough to have them ship me some. My options were Walmart and HEB. Yes, (Here Everythings Better) well everything except their stock of 4 oz canning jars! What is this world coming too. Don't they know some people still can! It settled for 8 oz jars that I filled to only 4 oz. It worked and I don't feel the need to write a letter.

Here are the results! It was delicious. But you don't have to take my word for it!
Here is the link with great pie in a jar ideas!

Shine a little light

Rumor has it, we are to get ceiling fans installed on base soon. I know HGTV is probably shuttering at the thought of adding a ceiling fan anywhere. But, Del Rio is HOT and trust me a ceiling fan will be welcomed by most. It would have been nice to know this before I changed out almost every light fixture in my house.
Here are some pictures from my dear friends house. I wanted to post some more ideas of how to change out light fixtures for your base house.

This is her dinning room light. Also, note the amazing paint choice! Nice clam buttery tint.
This is the entry way light. It makes me laugh to think we have "dinning rooms" and an "entry". If you have the privilege of visiting a base house you know this is far from the truth.

Nonetheless, these are little ideas to make your base house feel like home.
Thanks Bee for the pics!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer In Fort Worth

I went to see my family this past week and we had a great time! Beth and I at Leddy's.
Squirt and I in the pool.
My sister Erin in the parking lot of Joe T. Garcia's, it makes my mouth water just thinking about fajitas!
Grace, Beth and Elaine swan not stop.
Bath standing still for a picture.
Matching swim suits! Too cute!
Elaine was the make up Artist for Beth. We had nightly makeovers.

We did a lot of this too.

We spent a lot of time doing this!

Missing from this post is Gran and Pap! Where were you guys? Gran you must send me copies of the pictures you have.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's a Bugs Life

Note to Crissi....There is a Caterpillar in this post!
On our walk to Panthers cave, while sitting in the shade and drinking our cool refreshing water, I noticed that we had company. Mr Lizard had stopped in to say "hello"!

While weeding the parsley I found a very hungry caterpillar.

Then on our walk the other day the dogs found that the tortoise does not beat the hire if the tortoise stops to take a nap.
In all actuality the tortoise probably wouldn't have been shell shocked if Gertie had not picked him up and flung him about 4 feet in the air before he came crashing down and forever scared to come out of his shell. The next day he was gone so I imagine after we left he finished the race.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby Girl burp cloths

I think my burp cloths are catching on! I have two gals that are making burp cloths as we speak...(blog)! And, trust me I can't take credit for it...Like the song says, "I gotta give credit where credit is due I thank" Laura for the idea and for showing me her great master piece last year. It has been a ton of fun making these little burpy cloths! When the other gals finish their burp cloths I hope to post them too. Once I figure out who these will go to, I'd loved to get them monogrammed! Wouldn't that be too cute!
Literally, I'll keep you posted!