Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Lancaster PA
Baby length: 18 inches
Baby weight: 5 1/4 pounds
Mommy's weight gain: 34 pounds!
Cravings: ICE
Baby movements: all the time! Pushes his head into my bladder and kicks me in my ribs all day and all night!
Memorable event this week: watching Wyatt be delighted with a train ride. Daddy came home and we've enjoyed spending time with him. :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Baby room
Thursday, July 21, 2011
It's a hot one
So, today after nap he got popsicles. He actually got two because he asked nicely and even said please when he requested another one :)
Then, after our evening walk I took a friends suggestion and crushed ice in the food processor! She is a pure genius!!! It worked perfectly and we made Gatorade blue slushies!! We sat on the front porch with spoons and straws and shared a ginormous slushie. :) It was a little taste of heaven on one hot summer day!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Happy Birthday
The ol'ball and chain
Date night
I knew today would be a busy day due to the shower so I agreed! We took these three adorable dates with us :) They were so good and well behaved considering that we were there for an hour and a half! The waitress seemed a little dingy :-/.
On the way out, Wyatt decided to say Hi to another little boy who was sitting behind us. Then out of no where he slapped the little boy the face! While saying, "POW". I was horrified and shocked! The little boy was about five years old and he said,
"it's ok, it didn't hurt". I did my best to teach W we don't hit our friends!! I made him say, "I'm sorry". But, I don't think he understands yet.
He also hit another friend over the head with a plastic boat this afternoon! What type of kid do I have? Probably, a almost two year old exploring and learning about the world around him.
Next time he hits someone, I'll hit him back and yell, "Wyatt, we don't hit!"...maybe that'll will work ;) Naw, how could I even joke about hitting that cute face! He has "Cheesing" so hard!
Baby shower
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Then today, I attended the 32/2nd play group and discovered this amazing
Park!!! Located at 500 pemberton-brownsmill rd Pemberton NJ. All that to say it is 20 minutes from the house!! It was 85 degree when Wyatt and I arrived at 930am. By the time we left at 1030am it was 95 degrees! Poor boy was so hot!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Fixing the broken Hummer
It's a wonderful life
But...Then Id hear W singing or talking or yelling at his books! Yes, he will "read" a book then hit it and yell! I think he is hitting the animal or people in the book. I blame this on a recent reading of the Itsy bitsy spider where W got to hit and smash the bugs! He thought it was hilarious and still reads most books in the same manner. With all the racket going on in the next room T was no where near ready to fall asleep either. I'd hear him sining and talking about his Mommy! How sweet is that!! I'd check on both boys, making sure they were safe. I asked T if he was ok and he looked up at me
With these adorable blue eyes and said, "yes". I told him to keep resting. Then I checked on W, who needed to potty...excuses, excuses. So we do the potty routine and I'm attempt to lay him back down which only throws W into a fit of hysteria! I grabbed a few books and told W we'd read in Mommy's bed for a little while. I was wishful that with W quite maybe T could fall alseep. Instead, I heard T jumping up and down in his pack and play!! haha I will have to agree with him it probably is way more fun to jump around than to nap!
So anyways, to wrap this up! Neither boy took a nap. Both were very eager to get outside and play once I let them loose again. :) I love this picture! Here is T eating animal crackers in the "broken" Hummer. While W was busy in his house. So, much fun to be little boys!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
34 weeks and counting :)
34 Weeks
Friday, July 15, 2011
Lookin good
New Hummer
In other events today, we went to a pool party! Lacy set up their kiddie pool in the front yard and invited us over. In all there were seven momma and ten kids around this little pool. I'm sure we looked funny but we had a great time visiting while it lasted. Which for us unfortunately wasn't long because Wyatt decided he wanted his paci and to go home. I told him No Paci while we were playing with our friends. The next thing I know, W is half way down the sidewalk, waving and saying "bye bye Mommy, I going home". I figured if he'd rather go home that's what we'd do. So, we ended up playing in our backyard with his Hummer and the cube while all the other neighbors and kids played together at the pool!! Funny kid.
At bedtime W was very concerned where his new buddy Hunter had gone. I told him again, "Hunter had to go bye bye with his Mommy and Daddy". Wyatt looked up at me and said, "Bye bye Hunters Daddy Matt". Hunter and Wyatt had a great time together. So thankful for amazing friends. Hope it's not two years before we meet up again!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Today we made a trip to Ikea! It was a success like always! I got the wooden train tracks for W to see if they really would fit with his growing Thomas the Train collection. Sure enough they fit perfectly!
Although, the boys had a great time together W was very disappointed that we did not go to Cookie Monsters house! He asked almost the whole way to Ikea if we could go to Cookie Monsters House. It is so sad to have to tell the almost two year old we can't go to Cookie Monsters house. I am sure I repeated that phase nearly twenty times. By the way, if anyone finds out where Cookie Monster lives please let me know. Thank you!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
No naps
Ice cream
Monday, July 11, 2011
W is waving to the cars as the go by :)