Friday, June 13, 2008

Transforming the yard

When first moving on to base housing this is all you can seem to find online despite endless hours of searching. I found this on the housing website for the base were we are currently located. At first true, not much to look at and everything looks so plain Jane. And, honestly this is a great duplex! Look there is green grass! We were not so lucky when we accepted our little jewel. We had spare grass in the front and little to none in the back, but hey we "make it work".

The back yard is now an oasis.

Look at that cute little swing! I love it, from Home Depot (thank the Good Lord we have one now) and the lack of grass is still a work in progress. I do have dogs...I think that's one reason we have bare places in the yard.

And then the front yard, I know you've already seen this pic, but I needed it to complete the whole idea of what base housing can be on the out side. Please let me assure there are some much greener thumbs out there than mine. I like to dapple in the gardening areas, but I have a lot to learn from a few master gardeners from down the street.

So, don't despaire when you are shown a house with out grass, a dead tree in the front yard and not a lick of landscaping. With a little elbow grease and "barrowing" of plants from nearby abandoned houses you too can create your own little home.

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