Friday, June 24, 2011

Rainy day

We had big plans for today.
Plan 1. Go to the sprinkler park
But, it was supposed to be 67 degrees.
Plan 2. Go to Eagles Nest, a huge wooden park in bellbrook.
But, then it started raining!
Plan 3. Go to the indoor play area at the mall.

Little boys didn't know the difference and were happy with the mall. Beth understood the difference! She called it a crappy day that ruined all the fun! But, she was easily persuaded to be happy after promising a strawberry milkshake. :) Ah, to be able to cure disappointment with food! That's my kind of kid!

Side note: same milk shake when dropped by Erin will splatter all over said person in the middle of the mall! Imagine if you will: tiny pink droplets in your hair, on your face, shirt, pants, shoes, stroller and somehow also on your back. Could have been worst. Glad it wasn't.

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