Thursday, September 25, 2008

Concerned citizen

Concerned Citizen or Nosey Neighbor? I am not really sure myself, but I wanted to post some pictures about the great happening at Laughlin. Maybe not so great if you are next to this construction work.
Since Laughlin has been privatize though Pinnacle, we have started to see a few changes around here. For one, I have a non military neighbor down the street from me. Still find it kinda odd, especially when He has all his family from Del Rio over.

I drove around yesterday to take some picture of the progress. Here is a house on McKee. I was going to take a picture of the Collins old house but there were too many workers out front. I didn't what them to think I was taking their picture because they were HOT. Because that would be far from the truth! No offense fellas.

As you can see they took off the front of the house and it looks like they will be adding more square feet. From the old plans I looked up a year ago, most houses were supposed to get the car port converted to a garage and the storage shed would be converted to a laundry room. In my humble opinion I think that is a great idea. However, I just heard the other day the plans have changed. Go figure! So, I guess we will just have to wait it out and see what happens.

The old trailer park is also being renovated. I am not sure what they are going, but they did take up all the old concrete slabs and removed a ton of trees. I wish they could have left more trees. I guess it'll make sense after the finish.

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