Thursday, September 8, 2011


One day when I was 39 weeks pregnant I ran into another preggo Mom at the pool. We were both chasing our two year olds around and struck up a conversation do to our like figures. She had a much larger belly than I did. But, I was also much taller. I asked her when she was due. Our conversation went like this:
Me: When are you due?
Her: Middle of Oct, but they'll probably induce me early, when are you due?
Me: oh next week
Her: What?!? you are so tiny!
Me: yeah, the doctors don't know what's wrong with him...

Then I promptly left, I didn't want her to feel bad for having a bigger belly. And I felt guilty that I lied! I am such a big fat lier! As if I was having a dwarf baby or something! Well we didn't have a un-normally small baby. He was a healthy 8 lbs 3.7 oz!

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