Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well it's about time....

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New year! So it has been some time since3 the last post! I am sorry about the delay for all my fans. With Christmas and Family in town the time just got away from me. I was attempting to get several posts done today but, someone not to mentions any names, woke up from his nap and now thinks I should pay all attention to him :-)
Wyatt petting charlie, what a good sport.

My Christmas card wall, this was taken earlier in December and I have received several cards since then. Thank you to everyone who sent us a card. It really made us fill like we were getting to celebrate Christmas with our friends and family.

Here's looking at you kid

Have a holly jolly Christmas.

The unwrapping nap

The excitement of Christmas was just too much for Charlie.

Gran-T was able to come and spend Christmas day with us!

Unwrapping a present, guess what was more fun.....The paper! Yummy!!
Our big boy and some of his Christmas gifts! Lucky little boy.

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