Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I've been everywhere....

Good bye to Del Rio and our good friends!!!
Nicole, our backyard neighbor, gives Wyatt one last hug!First stop: Beaumont, Texas

D's Grandfather was the Superintendent at Orange High School. The stadium was named after him. Here D and his cousin Brandon stand in front of the score board.

GranJo and one of her many great grandchildrenBraxtyn, 22 days old, and Wyatt. Great Uncle Mark and Wyatt. Thanks Mark for buying us those 100 dollar hamburgers!!Second Stop: Fort WorthD's sister, Aunt Amy, with Wyatt. Gotta love that sweet gaze!
Third Stop: Dayton, Ohio

Aunt Lorna

My cousin Lindsey and Beth

Great-great Aunt June, Beth and Wyatt

Grandma Shirley making Wyatt smile

Two peas in a pod!

Disclaimer: This are the photos from my iphone and Wyatt is crying right now so I'll upload the rest of the photos from my camera later.... Bye

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