Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baby McClain

Sono Pictures9 weeks 11 weeks

13 weeks
14 weeks
14.5 weeks Baby parts!
Here are two legs and something in the middle.
Now we are not 100% sure yet.
But, this is looking very suspiciously like a boy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Me? I should to start a book club?

Ok, so I feel totally like 3rd grade starting a "club". Should we have a secret hand shake?
Here are the thoughts behind what I would love to see for this Book club. This is an opportunity to read a great Christian inspired book at your own leisure We will have no formal meetings and all correspondents will be through email. My idea is to pick one book every two weeks or so, (depending on how long it is) and as a group read it together. If anyone has questions, insight, or anything they would like to share just email the group. This should be a non-stress and enjoyable time for all. If you wish to be involved please email me back, ( also feel free to email other friends who you think would also enjoy a good read.

The first book: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis"Screwtape is an experienced devil. His nephew Wormwood is at the beginning of his demonic career and has been assigned to secure the damnation of a young man. Their letters are one of C. S. Lewis's most brilliant imaginative creations".

We will begin reading at the beginning of next week to give everyone a chance to find a copy.

Baby McClain 14 Weeks

Presenting Baby McClain!!
Now 14 weeks and three days!