Thursday, June 2, 2011

Acting like a 2 year old

Could it be that my wonderfully well behaved little boy is turning into terrible two? Well, I can't call him terrible when he runs full force into me for a hug. Or when he is picking me dandelions "dandies" for my hair then tells me "pretty mommy pretty".

He is demanding more well defined boundaries. He is trying his hand out at being decisive and verbally expressing his disagreement with me.

Here a short recap of our morning fit throwing episode :)

I went to Target to get a few things. I knew it would be close to nap and lunch time but I figure W could handle it. Just to make sure I got him a soft pretzel and a juice to keep him happy while I shopped.

After about 15 minutes of off and on standing in the chart then leaping out of the cart towards me so I could catch him. He decided it was time to really see how stern I would be with this silly idea that a hinny should sit in the seat at all times.

W starts crying uncontrollably loud, with real tears, stands up in the seat, he is out of control! I attempt to sit him back down and tell him I am going to pop him. He transforms into a Spaghetti noodle. I can't get his feet in the cart! I tell him to sit down and pop his butt. He become more defiant, screaming and crying louder! He stands up yet again, leaps out of the cart at me. Of course I catch him, but let him kinda, gently, fall to the ground. He is rolling around on the floor still screaming, kicking and flinging his arms about. I just waiting and let him roll around. I was trying to decided if something was actually wrong or if this was a fit. Then miraculously, he stop. He realized I wasn't trying to control him. He stopped screaming, stood up dusted his hands off and said, "whew, ok ok ok!" I had to turn around and not look at that satisfied little face!!! I was laughing so hard at his determination. He thought all was well and started merrily look at things on the shelf.

I picked him up once again. Put his butt in the cart, told him NO, you have to sit in the seat. We promptly checked out and left. Funny thing, he didn't try and stand up again! He had a few little sobs because we left Aunt Erin and Luke in target and he wanted to know where they were.

I think I won this battle. :) for now at least....

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