After graduation we went to The Oasis on Lake Travis. Oasis reminds me of what Austin love to claim. "Weird Austin" The restaurant had several different decors running throughout and tons of interesting sculptors. I highly recommend it to everyone!
I got to meet hubs babysitter from when he was little and they lived in San Antonio. She was a wonderfully sweet lady and I am thankful that she opened her home to us.
Trying to get my niece to crack a smile for the camera.
The newly hooded Master and her Hub. You can see the shinning waters of Lake Travis in the background.
Me and my guy! So handsome, such shadows.
The gals! Check out those Christmas trees behind us! Aren't they weird!
Mr. and Mrs. Claus
we had a great dinner with friends and family and looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
I couldn't resist taking this picture! Look at all the stuff on that tree. I think the main theme is peacocks and butterflies. It looked gorgeous up close.
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