I am a nurse in Labor and Delivery, and I would say I have changed a fair amount of diapers in my days. I have always been sold on the idea of cloth diapers, mom did it, why couldn't I? I don't know if it's just trendy right now or if it's part of the green movement. But, either way, I can't help but think this is a good idea. Since, you already know about my obsession with kitchen sprayers, just try to imagine how excited I was to learn about this, a diaper sprayer!
Yes, that's right a sprayer for your dirty cloth diapers. Why do I know about this? Well, I am glad you asked. I had a very informative lesson from Maria today. She is a cloth diapering fan, mother of a 15 month old, Air Force wife and her hubby a chemical engineer. To them, it just made sense to cloth diaper. Environmentally, it was a better idea and Maria says it doesn't hardly cost a thing....Note: we live on base and don't pay water bills. Evidently, this cloth diaper thing it easy. You put a cloth diaper on the kid, safety pin it on, rubber pants go over the diaper and tada all done. Oh, but then oppies as soon as you get it on...lunch comes out. What's a girl to do? No problem, take off the rubber pants, take off the diaper, throw the diaper into your diaper pale, wipe the bum and re-apply new cloth diaper.
Now here is when you get to use you fancy diaper sprayer!!! Once it's time to launder the diapers, sort out the pee-pee's from the poo-poo's. Put the pee-pee's in the washing machine and then take the poos to the toilet rise them out with the DIAPER SPRAYER and then put them in the wash as well. Wash first on cold with detergent and then a second washing on hot with detergent. It's best to line dry diapers because the sun bleaches out the poo-poos stains.
Here I am demonstrating the wonderful diaper sprayer for all to see. Also, a diaper sprayer can be use to rise out the toilet after a man poo-poo's or for a little cool water relief to an espisotomy site. It's what the site said...but just like Reading Rainbow, you don't have to take my word for it.
Also, Maira recommended:
Sold! on cloth dipers!
Oh, LeighAnn, you crack me up :-) Love it!!!
That's standard equipment in some parts of the world - for pooers of all ages, in place of toilet paper.
My mom writes:
My dear diapered daughter,
I have rinsed many a diaper in my day, beginning at age 10. I have younger brothers you know.
The main thing I'd advise is to rinse the poo out ASAP, then put the rinsed soiled diaper in the pail and wait till full load. I'd suggest small to medium loads because even the pee's can smell rank.
My darling sister, as you know I am a green believer too. However, as much as I love Elizabeth, I really love her potty trained. I don't think my husbands gag reflex could handle cloth. AND we really love the DIAPER CHAMP, no special bags needed, just regular trash bags. Mom is totally right about washing those babies out ASAP!!
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